I did this after putting the baby to sleep, before I put the big kids down. They were brushing their teeth.
1. walk to garage to get a handful of bonemeal.
2. walk to veggie bed and level a 2'x2' patch of soil that had been previously cleared. take picture.
3. dump a pile of coffee grounds from Starbucks and throw bonemeal on top. take picture.
4. spread these over patch and slightly, barely mix in with soil. take picture.
5. scatter mesclun mix seeds evenly on patch. take picture.
6. lightly cover with loose soil. take picture.
7. done.
Lettuce is easy. Plant lots of it. Don't forget arugula. This was actually supposed to be arugula, but at the last minute, I couldn't find my seeds, and I only had 5 minutes and 13 seconds!
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